284 vizualizari de pagina din data de 15 Martie 2020
Nu sunt recenzii inca

Calea Calarasilor nr 336, Braila

0769 622 142




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Cornel Plescan
Cornel Plescan
23:54 18 Apr 20
It's a small airport but decent, after you are checkin in and go trough security have many decent places to eat or... shop..When you arrived its a challenge, bad parking lot, chaos, you need patience and to pay attention, otherwise it's fine..lack of toilets after you get up the airplane, not very cleanread more
Γιώργος Ανδρινόπουλος
Γιώργος Ανδρινόπουλος
12:20 08 Mar 20
It is a small airport, with cheap air-tickets. There is no waiting and the processing is fast enough. The stuff was... friendly and spoke adequate English. The place(toilets etc) was clean. It has enough chairs for everyone to sit down. Connection with the city only by bus(and taxi). The ticket is cheap, easy to buy from automated machines. The bus has frequent routes and it takes 45-50 minutes to the center of Bucharest.read more
Alexander Kapetsonis
Alexander Kapetsonis
02:34 17 Feb 20
This place was clean,toilets were ok the staff tried to help even if most of them only spoke Romanian but the lack of... comfortable chairs and electricity sockets made our experience a bit bitter. All in all it isn't the best and most luxurious airport,but the sheer amount of security guards roaming this place sure make it feel safe.read more
Jan-Willem Tasking
Jan-Willem Tasking
14:18 09 Feb 20
Easy processing of entry and to find the way out to the taxi stand. Taxis only seem to accept cash (Euros). Agree on... the price before you enter a cab. People are very friendly and talkative. If you know to speak Italian you probably find it easy to communicate. English is also okay.read more
Aaron Moss
Aaron Moss
13:11 01 Feb 20
It works, but from perfectly distant. A lot of things don't work in the East. But they try. Perhaps it will be better... next time I visit.read more
Travel Experience
Travel Experience
22:24 07 Jan 20
NO CONNECTION TO BUCHAREST 😤 Euro 2020 is coming. The only connection to city is by bus( very cheap tickets... )and taxi which can often be expensive.The stuff is friendly and they can help you directions Bucharest is an amazing city, with history , museums ,excellent restaurants , pubs, bars( the is beer is cheap)Is very easy to rent a car ( prices start from around 10€/day)watch out for dogs 🐕read more
Simon Tomlinson
Simon Tomlinson
08:18 19 Nov 19
Lovely clean & modern airport.Very people but it was quick to get through security & customs as there's lots of... staff.Excellent duty free shops with the biggest range I've seen.Bars are far too busy & more are needed.Clean toilets.read more
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